
What crane reconstruction works include?

Dvesta company offers its customers the full range of services related to modernization and reconstruction of cranes with relay-controlled contactor drives, worn-out and inoperable electric equipment.

Mechanical durability of cranes and its components usually exceeds the durability of electric equipment by 2-3 times. During crane operation there can be new issues arising in connection to the technological process changes. A complete replacement of cranes entails significant capital costs and rise in the basic production price, while crane reconstruction allows saving time and money.

During refurbishment crane will be equiped with new crane control system and other electrical equipment.


Before the reconstruction, it is necessary solve the strategic issue – to choose the new control system type and describe its basic functional requirements. (See What drive model should be used for modernization?)

Crane reconstruction takes several stages:

Crane inspection

This stage includes crane inspection by a specialist, creation of defect and division lists for the equipment and services provided.

Equipment projecting and completion

This reconstruction stage includes preparation of the project documentation, equipment and electric drives, formation of the purchasing specification.

Assembly works on cranes

As part of the reconstruction process, our specialists produce mechanic, welding, electric assembly and setup works on cranes.

Warranty periods and service maintenance

The warranty period for the produced equipment is 18 months from the moment of crane commissioning, but no more than 24 since the day of manufacture.

When is crane reconstruction required?

Reconstruction of electric equipment is performed for a variety of reasons:

  • increased wear-out and breakdowns of electric equipment assemblies: frequent replacement of wheels, brake blocks, breakdowns of intermediary shafts and reducing unit teeth
  • frequent and long repair standstills
  • lost and irrelevant documentation
  • changes to the technologic function of cranes and increased requirements with regard to accurate and smooth operation of cranes, etc.

What is included into a crane reconstruction process?

Upon request, during crane reconstruction we can replace:

  • crane control panels (introduction of thyristor drives and frequency converters)
  • crane cables and wires, cable components, including cable hangers, trunks, sleeves, outlets, etc.
  • wound rotor motors can be retained, renovated or replaced with short-circuit rotor motors to operate using frequency converters
  • mechanical assemblies: reducing units, couplings, brakes, wheels, drums, hooks, etc.
  • cabins can be renovated, replaced or removed
  • control panels with installation of ergonomic chairs, including wheelchairs, equipped with joysticks and all the required controlling units
  • introduction of ground control in the form of a suspended or remote control panel

What to begin with?

The first stage of reconstruction is always inspection and creation of a Technical Specification.

You can contact our sales department on any issue or order a dial-back and our specialists will handle all the business trip details, the preliminary costs and terms of the project implementation.